Thursday, September 11, 2008


I must seriously apologise for acknowledging tags and awards that I was passed on by all my blogger friends. Each time I thought of adding a note at the end of a post, I would realise that the post had already got pretty long and thought that just mentioning them would not be fair. So today I finally sat down to first thank all my dear blogger friends for thinking of me for the award and tags and passing it on further.

I would like to thank simple indian food and kitchen flavours to pass on the 'Wylde Woman Award' to me.

the rules for this award are:

1.You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post

2. Link back to this blog site Tammy can go visit all these wonderful men and women and remember the Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgment to men and women, who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy. It's been a blessing and an inspiration to meet all of you through your wonderful blogs.

I love to pass this award to:

sia of monsoon spice
dk of culinary bazaar
pearls of east of any one can cook

and now for the tags

Usha of veg inspirations tagged me for the book meme. I am so sorry Usha for this late response. I wonder why it took me so long. But as always, its better late than never.

The rules of the tag are as follows:
  • Pick up the nearest book
  • Open to page 123
  • Find the 5th sentence
  • Post the next three sentences
  • Tag 5 people and acknowledge the person who tagged you.

so here is what I am reading. And here goes the lines:

"independently owned and operated, their owners strive to provide a similar sense of spiritual community and political engagement"

its from the September issue of yoga journal.

I would like to tag the following fellow bloggers:

lubna of kitchen flavours

divya of dil se

notyet100 of asan khana

Uma of essence of andhra

Cham of spice club.

lubna of kitchen flavours tagged me with my most unspectacular quirks (odd habits). well let me see, I think this is more for my husband to judge.......let me think, well the very first think that comes to my mind is

  1. I am a clean freak, (or the cleaning lady, as my husband calls me), I keep cleaning all the time. it stresses me out.
  2. I keep saying "ya", a lot. odd. i try checking myself. but alas.
  3. odd habit of collecting things in general. don't like throwing away stuff. i feel every thing can be reused.......
  4. I can not sleep alone.
  5. I hate eating alone
  6. I get a lot of mood swings (would that be an odd habit???)

now for the rules of the tag:

  1. Link back to the person who tagged you
  2. Mention the rules on your blog.
  3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
  4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
  5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged

I would like to tag :

Jz of tasty treats

simple indian food

creative saga

veg inspirations

edible garden

easy cooking

wowow, I don't know maybe I am not very tech savy, linking takes me so much all my fellow blogger enjoy the tags.

more later



amna said...

:) thanks for tagging me!

lubnakarim06 said...

Congratulations on the awards dear. Thank u for tagging me. I have done it before.

lubnakarim06 said...

nice quriks.

Unknown said...

Nice post..thanks for tagging me..But i have already done this..and AM very bad in doing them hehe:(((

Cham said...

I already did this tag, i will ackn soon :)Congrats on ur award :)

Usha said...

Congratulations on your award,fun reading your tags and getting to know more about you ...will try and pick up this tag and do it soon,thanks:)

anudivya said...

Hey Karuna, thanks for dropping by my blog today. I was reading up an article "Why" in your "Think green" blog. Very well written and I agree with a lot of things.
I have a suggestion for you... when you have large parties, instead of using plastic plates and cups, you could get compostable plates and cups that are made with potato starch. They are readily available in organic/speciality food stores like PCC.
I am not sure if you have one close to where you live... but that is an option.
Congrats on ur award.

Uma said...

thanks for the tag Karuna! I have a long queue of these tags, will do soon! Congrats on the awards. enjoyed reading your quirks.

Sia said...

thanks for the award Karuna:)

EC said...

Thanks for the tag...will do it soon

Ellena Field said...

I love how you are acknowledging and thanking your fellow bloggers.